Welcome to the Ingatestone Five Mile Road Race website

2024 Race   - Sunday 18th August   11:00 aM   - our 39th Year

Please make a note of the date in your diaries
We are very pleased to announce this year the race will include the Essex County Championship.

The prices will remain the same as last year.

We can use the facilities at the Ingatestone Anglo-European School as in previous years.


The Race also includes the Essex County 5 mile championships for Essex qualified runners.To qualify runners must either be born in Essex or have been continually resident in Essex for a period 9 months prior to the race date. They must also be current England Athletics Registered and enter both their EA affiliation number and EA affiliated Club. They must also select the checkbox that appears in the Entry Central entry process. Championship runners are reminded that they must wear the vest of their affiliated Essex club during the race to avoid disqualification. Medals will be awarded to first three males and females in the categories of under 20, open and veterans in 5 year age bands from 40 through to 70. The team competition will be based on 3 to score with only Essex qualified runners from Essex affiliated clubs being eligible.
The race includes a separate U20's championships for runners that must be born between 1st September 2003 and 31st August 2006 (i.e. aged between 17 and 20 in the 2023/2024 athletics year). There is no team competition for the U20's and they are not eligible to score for a senior team.

The Course - as run in 2023

START:  New Road, Ingatestone 
FINISH:  Anglo European School 

ROUTE:  Around Fryerning and Beggar Hill.

Please find attached
the event certificate and the route (as 2023).       

Note: Photos in slideshow above are from previous years

Race Information -   Entry Details

  • The race will start on Sunday 18th August 2024 at 11.00 a.m. This year, as last year, it will start in Little Hyde Lane and will be run in reverse of the route used for the last few years finishing at the Anglo European School in Willow Green, Ingatestone. Thanks to the school's support, we will be using their parking facilities and the registration will take place there.

  • The route starts in Litle Hyde Lane (close to the A12 footpath tunnel - last year's finish) and goes up to Fryerning, around Beggar Hill and finishes at the foot of Frterning Lane at the Anglo-European School.  You can download a map of the route either as a Route - PDF * or  Route - Doc. *      [ * to follow ]
    It is planned to hold the presentation in the school playground - weather permitting.

  • Over the years, the race has raised a great deal of money for the Ingatestone Boys' Own Club. Much more has been received for causes of the runner's chosen sponsorship. Moreover, the race is about personal achievement - run in a good friendly atmosphere with all smiles at the finish!

  • Prizes for at least first 3 Men, Women, Veterans, under 20's Men and Women and Team Awards.
    Plus First Ingatestone Residents: Men & Women and Under 18's.

    Mementoes to ALL FINISHERS.

  • Changing facilities are available at the school.

  • Information of this Event.     Download file:-    Flyer - Doc         Flyer - PDF

How to Enter / Registration

ONLINE ENTRIES:    https://www.entrycentral.com/ingatestone5mileroadrace


POSTAL ENTRIES:   Postal entries are now closed.

ON THE DAY:  No entries will be accepted on the day                       

2023 Race

In our 38th year, another good entry of runners finished this popular road race.

For details and photos of the individual winners and team prizes, please go to Results page.

Thanks to all the runners for their support and for making this event such a success.

Keith Cranmer  -   Chairman and Leader  -   Ingatestone Boys' Own Club. 


Rotary Club of Ingatestone
Ingatestone Boys' Own Club
Hepburns of Shenfield
Anglo European School